Monday, January 22, 2024



CALENDAR* January 25th to February 20th , 2024 
January 27th &28th .. Winter Field Day Assoc. 
February 08th – M&K Club Meeting . +Tech Talk
 February 14th – Siren Test Net .. 
February 15th – ARES Meeting
 February 20th - CQ Tuesday

Changing World – As an “Ol’ Timer”, I have begun to join the chorus of “ does this have to change too?” Of course a lot of the changes are to the better. For instance, the electronic devices we use and some of the health related “cures”. Some of the hard things to accept are the price of things and that 30 year olds look like 19 year olds. Plus when walking, it seems uphill going in both directions.

** Talking about change … We just found out that the location we had planned on going to for Field Day (June 22-23rd) … has been preempted by another group. So, if you have good information on a location that the Club can set up at, please let the Committee know.. Please send your suggestions to: Wes Michael and or Gene Radke – As soon as possible -- it needs space for antennas, be able to operate overnight, have lavatory facilities (portable works), be sheltered from the weather, accommodate our elder members.

* While we are talking about dates to add to the radio calendar, prior to Field Day, our Third Annual Hamfest will be on June 1st.. at the same location. Hope you can spare some time again this year to assist..

* It seems as if the calendar is working backwards… In Mid April, a Ham Cram is being scheduled… this is at the Tech level. As always, at the end of the Cram, the VE’s will be testing all levels .. So if you are ready to upgrade, this may be the opportunity.. and have time to study…

**March is busy with the Wisconsin QSO Party on March 10th .(First day of Daylight Saving Time). . Just calling CQ and seeing how many of the 72 counties you can contact…(other contacts count also) Fun event even if you operate from home. for about 7 hours .Be sure to fill in the GBM&K Club as your club. .. Invite a Tech Level to operate with you and they will see the advantage of upgrading.. Or… Tech ask a General or Extra if you can participate with them. 
***Also in March, is the Club Awards Banquet… So time to think about nominations for Ham Of The Year 2023.. There a number of people who have worked in the background to help make the events successful. Some stand out … but we should acknowledge the diligent worker.. Suddenly two names come up.. hmm.. The date and location have not been solidified yet, but as soon as it is, you will see it in your inbox..

*** While your thinking cap is on, please let a Board Member know of any Silent Key that occurred during this past year.. We normally update the memorial plaque at this time. 

*** Just in… A Special Event is being planned for near this (March – April time frame.. Stay Tuned…. 
** As we look at emergency communications, consider other means of communications.. like FRS or GMS… Did you know that some of the frequencies are the same.. just have to turn down the power to meet the rules.. Can be programmed into a UV5R and other radios...

Saturday, January 6, 2024



CALENDAR* January 2nd to January 14nd, 2024

January 1st 2024-- Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year !!
January 2nd - Welcome New Executive Board and Officers
January 10th– Siren Test Net ..
January 11th– M&K Club Meeting .
January 16th - CQ Tuesday

     Welcome to all that joined the Green Bay Mike and Key Club, inc. If you
are active in it in some way, you should enjoy it and gain some new
     In the last “Happenings” which went out as “Happened” because it was
mostly what the club did in 2023, it had missed a couple of activities that
took place a number of times.. such as::
      CQ Tuesday> Where all Hams gather at the Bay Family restaurant for
lunch on the third Tuesday each month..
      On the second Wednesday there is a Siren Test Net> Checking of the
Warning Sirens in Brown County (the sirens activate each Wednesday, but
there is a radio net on the second Wednesday- a list of sirens will be sent
out the Sunday before the Net >>
       We were remiss to not mention VE testing that took place at various
days during the year producing many an upgrade..
        Parks on the air is still going strong even in this cold weather.. to help
you out if you are “collecting” park numbers is an app that will show who is
on the air (I was told)
           Look for a new addition to the newsletter with a message from the Club
President…. Thanks Bill – KB3KYH.. Keep them coming..

The Presidents Corner
    Happy New Year! I hope all of you enjoyed the Holidays, I certainly did,
especially the Club Christmas Holiday Party. We had a great crowd and
plenty of fun. I especially enjoyed the Barbershop Quartet (Thanks to John,
W0LFE) and the good food. Our “Santa” was a big hit. Thanks to Dave,
KD9HJJ for handing out all the presents. It was a lot of laughs!
     A particular highlight of the party was the announcement of Dave Catalano,
N8KQS as a Life Member. If you’ve been with our group for any length of
time, you know about all Dave’s contributions to our hobby and our club. He
is a real pillar of our organization and richly deserved this honor. Next time
you talk to Dave, be sure to congratulate him.
      Please be thinking about our 2024 club activities. Field Day, Hamfest,
Special Event Station, plus others like the Banquet, VE Testing, Brat Barn,
and more will all require YOUR help to make them a success. We’ll talk about
our plans at the January meeting and give everybody a chance to volunteer.
We’ll also be looking for your suggestions and ideas on other things that we
should consider for the new year.
       I want to thank the 2023 leadership, Paul KB0P, Bob KA9BXG, John W0LFE,
and Dave KD9HJJ for their hard work and dedication. 2023 was a great year.
The 2024 Board…KD9HJJ, W9GRB, W0LFE, W3TOS, and I will do our best
with your help, to make 2024 as good or even better!
Please contact me if you have any questions, or recommendations to
improve our club.
(302) 537-4755

  (Continued)    January usually brings the planning for the coming year. Time seems to go by faster as we grow older and whatever we plan to do comes before we are ready. Of course I move slower than I used to…
     In the past, we begin planning for the Wisconsin QSO Party which is in
March as well as the Club Awards Banquet. As with other events – arranging
for chairpersons is the key factor… please consider chairing or co-chairing
one of the activities… You can draw from someone that did it in the past..
      There will be a Tech Talk prior to the meeting coming up.. The leader of
the ARES group, Dave KD9HJJ, will give a talk about the group activities.
        .. There are attachments to the email this newsletter was in.. (last Minutes, Treasurers Report, ARES newsletter, flyer for the Wautoma Hamfest..) Please peruse them for useful ideas … and consider presenting something you are interested in by taking a place in the TECH TALK before one of the meetings…

Helping to keep you --Radio Active…. Come and join in…