Saturday, December 31, 2022

Radio Happenings December 31st, 2022

(Item forgotten to be placed in the newsletter of this date) .   I have been informed that K9DJ is now a Silent Key. His company owns many radio stations including WIXX. Duke Wright was also on the top 40 most powerful people list in radio over the last 9 years.  R.I.P.

January 11th – First Siren Net of 2023
January 12th – First Meeting of 2023
January 19th – CQ Tuesday

Out with the old and in with the new..

 We have heard that saying a lot of times and it is not just only when we purchase a new piece  for our radio collage.

  As we enter our new Club year, we look forward to the new events and remaking of some of the old.

 It has already begun with having a new Board, in as much as a smaller number of members and a change in the ByLaws to accomidate that.

  With the new fire department construction at the Pine Tree Park area, the Field Day location will be changing to Four Seasons Park (not sure if that has been solidified at this time) .

  Rumor has it that the technical program before the meetings will be reinstated.

  The CellComm Marathon is coming back on May21st where some of the members of the Club participate by communicating with the medical crew in the route as well as dispatching busses, vans to pick up runners unable to continue: As well as liaison to the first responders for more serious events. This is a good way to keep up on our abilities for emergency communications. Sign up information will be coming out soon.  
Activities: This time of year brings out a list of radio contesting as well as other Special Events. You can find the rules and other info at the ARRL.ORG site.

January 2022
RTTY Roundup          
January VHF

Yesterday, the 30th, found that winter does not slow down the Parks On The Air guys and ladies.  The 20 Meter band was loaded with them. Meanwhile I was on the search for the Christmas Lighthouses on the air.. Got three up there in Canada… Just have to turn on the  radio and slowly scan the band.

  I admire those Special Event folks that operate the events QRP with just 5 watts or less.


  This morning, while trying to get my old IC-706 to operate digital, I went to good ol’ You Tube for help. Saw this video on setting up for FT8. I had always stayed below 30 watts on digital anything. This person was showing the set up using 90 watts..pegging the meter… Now I know where those bright red lines show up on the waterfall.. 

Something new//

Most of you know N3FJP wrote software mostly for logging. Years ago to instruct their sons for taking the tests for Technician, wrote a simple program to cycle through all the questions in the Technician question pool and while they were at it, did the same for General and Extra. While it was written in an outdated format, they have have re written it and is offering it for free. Amateur Exam Study Buddy. Try it!

DUES ARE DUE: If not paid by March 1st, will be removed from the membership list.

*The removal of non-members from the newsletter mailing list begins February 1st.


Things  that we have historically scheduled:

January:  Set up chairpersons for : 1.Wis. QSO party. 2. Banquet              3. Hamfest. 4. Brat Barn. 4. Field Day.    5. Picnic. If we do not have a chairperson, it will not happen.. ! Are you able to help?

February:Bratbarn dates – NWS Weather


 Stay Radio Active

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Radio Happenings December 12th, 2022..

December 18th – Hanukkah begins
December 20th – CQ Tuesday
December 21st – First Day of Winter
December 25th – Christmas Day
January 12th – First Meeting of 2023

The Green Bay Mike and Key Club's annual Christmas party was held at the American Legion. This was catered byJulies, chicken and beef tips were served by our own Scott, KD9LHY. A white elephant gift exchange took place.

  There were about 38 people in attendance

** It was announced that this coming year, the half hour before the meetings, will see the restart of Tech Talks… 

 2023 Club Officers/Board Members 

 President: Paul Racine, KBØP

Vice-Presdent: Robert Duescher, KA9BXG

Secretary: William Duveneck, KB3KYH

Treasurer: JohnWolfe, WØLFE

Member-At-Large: David Ziesmer, KD9HJJ

                       Left to right: WØLFE, KD9HJJ, KA9BXG
                                 Santa aka KBØP, KB3KYH 

 This time of year brings out a list of radio contesting as well as other Special Events. You can find the rules and other info at the ARRL.ORG site. 
January 2022
1          Straight Key Night
1          Kids Day  <
8-9       RTTY Roundup          
15-17   January VHF

 The American Legion has announced  that they will be removing The American Legion Amateur Radio Club (TALARC) from their national programs but encourage the local Posts to continue the program.

New Question Pool for General Class
The National Conference of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators' (NCVEC) Question Pool Committee (QPC) has released the 2023 - 2027 General Class FCC Element 3 Syllabus and Question Pool to the public. The new General Question Pool is effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2027.

The new pool incorporates some significant changes compared to the 2019 - 2023 version. Its 432 questions were modified slightly to improve wording and to replace distractors; 51 new questions were generated, and 73 questions were eliminated. This resulted in a reduction of 22 questions, bringing the total number of questions in the pool down from 454. The level of difficulty of questions is more balanced, and the techniques and practices addressed have been updated.

****Kids talk to Santa : As Christmas approaches, many amateur radio clubs carry out an annual tradition of helping kids talk directly to Santa Claus while he is still at the North Pole before his big ride.

    Already in operation for the 16th consecutive year, The 3916 Nets are hosting the Santa Net on 3.916 MHz. Kids can talk to Santa Claus nightly via amateur radio at 7:00 PM CST now through Christmas Eve, December 24, 2022. The shortwave net welcomes radio amateurs to help their children and grandchildren get on the air to talk to Santa (third-party rules and regulations apply).

The ARRL is emphisising that December is Youth Month 
On December 1, 2022, YOTA begins a month-long, special event to celebrate young amateur radio operators -- YOTA Month 2022. YOTA is Youth or Youngsters on the Air. Amateur radio operators aged 25 and younger will be on all bands using all modes throughout the month to make contacts around the world. 

Various YOTA activities and events are organized throughout the world. The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Youth in Amateur Radio web page includes additional information and links at
Stay Radio Active

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Radio Happenings December 10th, 2022..



December 8th – Club Christmas Party
January 12th – First Meeting of 2023

The Green Bay Mike and Key Club's annual Christmas party will be held Thursday December 8th starting with doors openingat  5 p.m. at the American Legion, 1708 N. Irwin Ave, Green Bay. This will be a catered meal starting at 6PM from Julies, Chicken and Beef Tips with a $10.00 cost to all attendees. Bring your own alcohol beverage of choice, Soda and water will be provided by the club. A white elephant gift exchange will occur. Bring one, get one.  Deadline was Dec. 1st

Activities: This time of year brings out a list of radio contesting as well as other Special Events. You can find the rules and other info at the ARRL.ORG site.

January 2022
Straight Key Night
Kids Day  <
RTTY Roundup          
January VHF

GreenBay Mike&Key Club Meetings:

January 12th – The Tower Room, 4th floor of the G-M Science Bldg. (elevator) 7PM.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 985 2084 1730
Passcode: 240648
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,98520841730#,,,,*240648# US (Washington DC)

+13092053325,,98520841730#,,,,*240648# US   --- Find your local number:


 Our Treasurer reminded us that we should be paying the dues prior to the first of the year. You can pay with credit card by picking on the PayPal logo from the website or mail your check to Mike & Key Club, P.O.Box 13351, Green Bay, WI 54307

Things  that we have historically scheduled:
December: Christmas Party ---Winter Field Day?.
January:  Set up chairpersons for : 1.Wis. QSO party. 2. Banquet              3. Hamfest. 4. Brat Barn. 4. Field Day.    5. Picnic. If we do not have a chairperson, it will not happen.. ! Are you able to help? 
February:Bratbarn dates – NWS Weather

Stay Radio Active


Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Radio Happenings November 13th, 2022..

November 15th – CQ Tuesday
November 24th – Thanksgiving 
December 8th – Club Christmas Party

The Club meeting held on Thursday, November 10th did not have connections on Zoom. The venue’s coverage did not reach the room we were in.
  The election of members of the 2023 Board was successful. The new Board consists of Paul KBØP, Bill KB3KYH, Robert KA9BXG, John WØLFE, Dave KD9HJJ.
 They will be meeting soon to choose the Officer positions. They will be taking office at the beginning of 2023.

  After discussion about the proposed ByLaw change,  a vote was taken with the majority in favor of accepting the changes. Basically, it was to reduce the number of Board members from seven to five and to remove the duties of the Members at Large.  You will be able to see the new ByLaw changes on the web site in a few days.

The Shack:
  You may or may not have heard  that there has been some problem with operation at the shack. First indication was that there was water found in the coax near the 4BTV antenna. When trying to transmit on the new DX3000, it would trip out.    Three volunteers took the line apart and replaced the corroded barrel connector, took down the antenna, took it apart, cleaned and put conductive lube on the pipe pieces, put on a new capacitance hat and an coax adaptor to replace the screw connection. Reinstalled the antenna on the roof. 
 A few days later, tried the radio and it would trip out again. Tried a different radio and it tuned right in. Actually, made a contact to 4U1A.. United Nations in Austria.. 
 While at the HamCram, some members tried the DX3000 again and it still tripped. It was noted that when the output was reduced to 5Watts, it tuned. The meter on the Astron Power Supply was steady when transmitting. Was it the power supply?  Switched to the other supply and everything began to work !! The first supply was a current limiting supply and was set low, there by- when trying to transmit, drew more amps than what the supply was set to. Tripping the supply rather than the radio .. but it appeared that the radio had tripped because there wasn’t any power. 
Also found that the “pot”s needed a little wiping to clean them up.. 
   Is it working? Look at the photo… FT8 … 

These are the contacts made via FT8 from the Shack at St Norbert on 11/12… 

 Rick W9OBB, was the facilitator for the HamCram. There was a nice size class with the youngest at 11 years old. The results of the testing showed 10 new Techs – 1 General and 1Extra Congrats

 Our Treasurer reminded us that we should be paying the dues prior to the first of the year. If you do not pay, you will be removed from the roster in March..  
. You can pay with credit card by picking on the PayPal logo from the website or mail your check to Mike & Key Club, P.O.Box 13351, Green Bay, WI 54307

Thinking ahead..
 The Green Bay Mike and Key Club's annual Christmas party will be held Thursday December 8th starting at 5 p.m. at the American Legion, 1708 N. Irwin St, Green Bay. This will be a catered meal from Julies, Chicken and Beef Tips with a $10.00 cost to all attendees. Bring your own alcohol beverage of choice, Soda and water will be provided by the club. A white elephant gift exchange will occur. Bring one, get one. R.S.V.P. by December 1st to WØLFE by radio, text to 920-606-4692 or email WØLFE@   

Saw a nice new logging program  Log40M.. really loaded with information..

Stay Radio Active

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Radio Happenings November 6th, 2022..

 Good Evening..   Here it is - Sunday afternoon.  Recently returned from the Hamfest in Kaukauna...   Nice turnout.. they had some nice door prizes which some of our Club members won... in fact, one won twice!!   ..  Congratulations!  Saw a lot of familiar faces and callsigns, which is why these are more of a social event..   There were some on the selling side of the tables as well.. I was still selling off some of the Baofeng radios and accessories. The pile got smaller.. The funds collected are earmarked for the Club Treasury.  There are some headphones available as well with microphones... 
  The Happenings does not have much news, but more of reminders of the importance of the upcoming meeting with the election of Board Members ( should not have said "election" ... is it me or is everyone getting tired of the barrage ?) but leadership is important for all groups. You will see the present slate of nominations in the Minutes of the Last Meeting... More nominations can still be added to the list but please be sure the person you are nominating is willing to accept the nomination and the position.  A big thank you goes out to our present Board who has served us well over the past year ...   
    According to the ByLaws, you are able to vote by proxy.. If you know someone that is going to the meeting, send them an email or letter, allowing them to vote for you. They may need to present the letter of proxy to get to vote for you..  (sort of like an Absentee ballot)   Please do not vote for me as I will be removing my nomination.  I am busy enough with the newsletter and the webpage.  I have served in the past and need to pass the baton on..  but willing to assist where needed .. 
      Last month we found that the WIFI at the meeting location may not reach into the area where the Club meeting is being held.  So if you cannot link into the Zoom. that is why..... 
        I hope that if you know someone that is looking to upgrade and does not know of the testing taking place on the 12th, you let them know that testing for all levels will take place at 3 PM after the HamCram at St. N...  

   Radio Happenings  November 6th, 2022..
November 9th – Siren Test Net
November 10th – Mike&Key Club Meeting
November 12th- HAM CRAM.. VE TESTING
November 15th – CQ Tuesday
November 24th – Thanksgiving 
December 8th – Club Christmas Party

Club Meetings:***
  For the November meeting, the meetings will be 7PM and held on the second floor of The Brick House. 500 Grant Street, W.De Pere. (Elevator) This meeting is a very important one with the nominations and election of those to be on the next year’s Executive Board. This is the second of the nominations. Be sure to read the minutes of the last meeting to catch up on who was nominated and what else may come up for discussion..
      This is the November Annual Corporation Meeting. Any proposed  ByLaw changes will be voted on also.  
    One of the proposed ByLaw changes could change the number of Board Members.

Zoom Links: 
gbmk club is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 985 2084 1730
Passcode: 240648
Find your local phone number:
Just be aware that the WIFI at the November meeting location may not reach to where the meeting is.. but save this link for the rest of the year’s meetings. The date of the Christmas Party is the normal meeting date, so there will not be a meeting that month. 

  Also, save this link!! It will be the same for each meeting in 2023 !!

***Continue your membership … go to the K9EAM.ORG web site… fill out a membership form.. you can find the link on the righthand side of the site .. dues are due now until December to stay as not delinquent  . You can pay with credit card by picking on the PayPal logo from the website or mail your check to Mike & Key Club, P.O.Box 13351, Green Bay, WI 54307

      Things  that we have historically scheduled:
November : Annual Meeting – Elect Board Members   
December: Christmas Party – Officers positions chosen.
Winter Field Day..
January:  Set up chairpersons for : 1.Wis. QSO party. 2. Banquet 3. 
Hamfest. 4. Brat Barn. 4. Field Day.    5. Picnic.  
If we do not have a chairperson, it will not happen.. ! Are you able to help? 
December 8th: Annual Christmas Party at the American Legion Post – So far, this will be a Pot Luck dinner (Dish to pass) event. The White Elephant gift exchange – bring one-get one. (more information later) 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Radio Happenings October 24th, 2022..

November 5th -Friendly Fest-Milwaukee
November 6th – Fox Cities Hamfest-Kaukauna
November 10th – Mike&Key Club Meeting
November 12th- HAM CRAM.. VE TESTING
November 24th – Thanksgiving 
December 8th – Club Christmas Party

Club Meetings:***

  For the November meeting, the meetings will be 7PM and held on the second floor of The Brick House. 500 Grant Street, W.De Pere. (Elevator) This meeting is a very important one with the nominations and election of those to be on the next year’s Executive Board. This is the second of the nominations. Be sure to read the minutes of the last meeting to catch up on who was nominated and what else may come up for discussion..

      This is the November Annual Corporation Meeting. Any proposed  ByLaw changes will be voted on also.  

    As one of the proposed ByLaw changes could change the number of Board Members, 

Zoom Links: 
gbmk club is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 985 2084 1730
Passcode: 240648
Find your local phone number:

Just be aware that the WIFI at the November meeting location may not reach to where the meeting is.. but save this link for the rest of the year’s meetings. The date of the Christmas Party is the normal meeting date, so there will not be a meeting that month. 
  Also, save this link!! It will be the same for each meeting in 2023 !!

Oct. 15th Scouting Jamboree On The Air… J.O.T.A. This year we set up two stations at the American Legion. We used an Icom 7300 and a Icom 706.. supporting two OCF dipoles..

   Besides the JOTA event, we were besieged by special events, a couple of states having QSO Parties and other contests. But we were able to provide contact with some Scouts in Illinois.. the Scouts we had were in the Cub Scout age and just getting ready to “cross over” into Scouting.             Big THANK YOU to Dave KD9HJJ and Keith KS9WI for their participation and help in setting up and taking down the stations and providing insight to the visitors of what we were providing for the youth.

 Thinking ahead..

  Continue your membership … go to the K9EAM.ORG web site… fill out a membership can find the link on the righthand side of the site .. dues are due now until December to stay as not delinquent  . You can pay with credit card by picking on the PayPal logo from the website or mail your check to Mike & Key Club, P.O.Box 13351, Green Bay, WI 54307

Things  that we have historically scheduled:
November : Annual Meeting – Elect Board Members   **Just to note that it was suggested in Sept. that the Board choose their officer positions after the election rather than wait until Dec. **
December: Christmas Party – Officers positions chosen.
Winter Field Day..
December 8th: Annual Christmas Party at the American Legion Post – This will be a Pot Luck dinner (Dish to pass) event. The White Elephant gift exchange – bring one-get one. (more information later) 
January:  Set up chairpersons for : 1.Wis. QSO party. 2. Banquet 3. Hamfest. 4. Brat Barn. 4. Field Day.    5. Picnic.  
If we do not have a chairperson, it will not happen.. ! Can we not be active? 

N8KQS explaining what communications and the Club can provide especially for the radio merit badge and participation in the STEM program to the Camp Staff at Bear Paw. How to acuire a Ham Radio Operator license was also explained. W9WES and KB3KYH tuning up inside.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Radio Happenings October 10th, 2022.

October 12th- Siren Test Net
October 13th- M&K Club Meeting
October 15th- Scout Jamboree On The Air
October 15th–ARRL Convention-Wis.Rapids
October 18th – CQ Tuesday 
October 22nd –HARA Hamfest- Naugaunee
November 5th -Friendly Fest-Milwaukee
November 6th – Fox Cities Hamfest-Kaukauna
November 12th- HAM CRAM.. VE TESTING

Club Meetings:***
  For the October and the November meetings, the meetings will be 7PM and held on the second floor of The Brick House. 500 Grant Street, W.De Pere. This meeting is a very important one with the nominations of those to be on the next year’s Executive Board. This is the first of the nominations. Be sure to read the minutes of the last meeting to catch
up on what else may come up for discussion..
      Nominations will continue at the November Annual Corporation Meeting followed by the Election of the Board. Any proposed  ByLaw changes will be voted on also.  
    Sorry, no Zoom information at the time of this writing … 

Oct. 15th Scouting Jamboree On The Air… J.O.T.A. Modern technology offers Scouts the exciting opportunity to make friends in other countries without leaving home. JOTA is an annual event in which Boy and Girl Scouts and Guides from all over the world speak to each other by means of Amateur (ham) Radio.
The layout has some challenges for our antenni. Can you spare some time to help out??  Hope to have about 6 or 8 of us plus a couple or three stations (Hint- bring radios)   The American Legion, 1708 N Irwin Ave. will be our location this year. If you have some time, stop by and give a hand or information..  9am to ~1Pm 
In 2014, over 1.3 million Scouts, Guides/Girl Scouts participated in JOTA..

    While I am thinking about it,….
  As we all know, there was wide spread devastation in Florida. A lot of people we all know were down there when this went on.. There is one of our members that was able to use his emergency training during this.
 John Kotlarik, NA9J was in contact with Wes, W9WES, and said that he was in a shelter with about 400 evacuees and was busy with his radio .. I think making welfare messages … got to let the folks know that they are safe and where they are..   Thank you John for exemplifying the work of Ham Operators. 

Are we ready, trained for this?? 

Thinking ahead..
  Continue your membership … go to the K9EAM.ORG web site… fill out a membership can find the link on the righthand side of the site .. dues are due now to December. You can pay with credit card by picking on the PayPal logo from the website or mail your check to Mike & Key Club, P.O.Box 13351, Green Bay, WI 54307

Things  that we have historically scheduled:
October: Nomination of Board members and Plan Christmas Party: JOTA (Jamboree on the Air) 
November : Annual Meeting – Elect Board Members   **Just to note that it was suggested in Sept. that the Board choose their officer positions after the election rather than wait until Dec. **
December: Christmas Party – Officers positions chosen.
Winter Field Day..
January:  Set up chairpersons for : 1.Wis. QSO party. 2. Banquet 3. Hamfest. 4. Brat Barn. 4. Field Day.    5. Picnic.  

Stay Radio Active

Monday, October 10, 2022

Radio Happenings October 4th, 2022..



October 8th – Scout STEMpede-Bear Paw

October 12th- Siren Test Net
October 13th- M&K Club Meeting
October 15th- Scout Jamboree On The Air
October 15th–ARRL Convention-Wis.Rapids
October 22nd –HARA Hamfest- Naugaunee
November 5th -Friendly Fest-Milwaukee
November 6th Fox Cities Hamfest-Kaukauna

STEMpede: I think everyone has heard of the STEM program by now.. It covers most of the phyics we had in school.. The Scouts will have a great opportunity to have some practical practice with a lot of things in science and math. We hope to be able to provide some of those points with radio technology on Oct. 8th.  This will be our 6th time (counting the STEM pocket patches  )
Club Meetings:
  For the October and the November meetings, the meetings will be held on the second floor of The Brick House. 500 Grant Street, W.De Pere. This meeting is a very important one with the nominations of those to be on the next year’s Executive Board. This is the first of the nominations. Be sure to read the minutes of the last meeting to catch
 up on what else may come up for discussion..
      Nominations will continue at the November Annual Corporation Meeting followed by the Election of the Board. Any proposed  ByLaw changes will be voted on also.  

Oct. 15th Scouting Jamboree On The Air… J.O.T.A. Modern technology offers Scouts the exciting opportunity to make friends in other countries without leaving home. JOTA is an annual event in which Boy and Girl Scouts and Guides from all over the world speak to each other by means of Amateur (ham) Radio.

There used to be a conflict in years past with the Scouts Food Drive on the same day.. Not this year… so we are anticipating a good turn out. Hope to have about 6 or 8 of us plus a couple or three stations (Hint- bring radios)   The American Legion, 1708 N Irwin Ave. will be our location this year. If you have some time, stop by and give a hand or information..  9am to ~1Pm
In 2014, over 1.3 million Scouts, Guides/Girl Scouts participated in JOTA..

 Thinking ahead..

  A new year is coming up and time to get involved and enjoy the hobby with others of similar mind.. 
  The Club consists of those that experiment with radio transmitters, beacons, satellites, antenni or enjoy contesting, collecting countries, counties. Plus we have operators that enjoy mentoring newbies and provide training… 
   Are you a member of the Mike & Key Club? Now is a good  time to join or continue your membership … go to the K9EAM.ORG web site… fill out a membership can find the link on the righthand side of the site .. dues are due now to December. You can pay with credit card by picking on the PayPal logo from the website or mail your check to Mike & Key Club, P.O.Box 13351, Green Bay, WI 54307

Things  that we have historically scheduled:

October: Nomination of Board members and Plan Christmas Party: JOTA (Jamboree on the Air) 

November : Annual Meeting – Elect Board Members   **Just to note that it was suggested in Sept. that the Board choose their officer positions after the election rather than wait until Dec. **
December: Christmas Party – Officers positions chosen.
Winter Field Day..
January:  Set up chairpersons for : 1.Wis. QSO party. 2. Banquet 3. Hamfest. 4. Brat Barn. 4. Field Day.    5. Picnic.  

      A little science as we get ready for STEM..

 According to science lore, Galileo dropped two balls from the Leaning Tower of Pisa. In fact, it seems unlikely that Galileo actually carried out this experiment. But he supposedly was trying to show that those balls would fall with the same acceleration. Their change in speed due to gravity would be the same, no matter what they were made from or how much they weighed.----                        Einstein’s equivalence principle holds that this inertial mass is equal to the gravitational mass. And if that’s true, then two different objects should fall at the same rate (at least when they’re in a vacuum, where air resistance is eliminated). In a perfect vacuum, for instance, a feather will accelerate just as much as will a ball of iron.

   Scientists have now performed a similar experiment in a satellite. They dropped two hollow cylinders and measured them for more than 120 orbits. The cylinders were in free fall for about eight days’ worth of time.

    In the satellite experiment, the two cylinders’ accelerations did match — at least to within two-trillionths of one percent!

    By the way, one cylinder was made of platinum alloy and the other from titanium.


That’s it for this email/ Newsletter.…


Stay Radio Active

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Radio Happenings September 23rd, 2022.

October 1st – ARES S.E.T. 
October 8th – Scout STEMpede-Bear Paw
October 15th- Scout Jamboree On The Air
October 15th–ARRL Convention-Wis.Rapids
October 22nd –HARA Hamfest- Naugaunee
November 5th -Friendly Fest-Milwaukee
November 6th – Fox Cities Hamfest-Kaukauna

Club Picnic: The picnic was held at the Osprey Point park in Bellevue . It was a beautiful day, no bugs, good food, (Thanks, Scott) and great company with conversations that kept folks there. Thanks go out to those 24 that came. Mike for showing his latest project of the 10 GHz system. Interesting just to look at and it works!
 We had door prizes! A Thank you goes out to our donors.. 
  Who would have thought it would be such a task to give away a quad band radio at a Radio Club Picnic? 

Club Meetings:
 At the time of this newsletter, the room that we use for the meetings has been scheduled by a different group for the October and the November meetings.  The Officers of the Club are presently seeking another venue…  A location will be sent out as soon as it is confirmed.  

Oct. 15th Scouting Jamboree On The Air… J.O.T.A. Modern technology offers Scouts the exciting opportunity to make friends in other countries without leaving home. JOTA is an annual event in which Boy and Girl Scouts and Guides from all over the world speak to each other by means of Amateur (ham) Radio.
There used to be a conflict in years past with the Scouts Food Drive on the same day.. Not this year… so we are anticipating a good turn out. Hope to have a couple of stations (Hint- radios)   The American Legion, 1708 N Irwin Ave. will be our location this year. If you have some time, stop by and give a hand or information..  9am to ~1Pm 
In 2014, over 1.3 million Scouts, Guides/Girl Scouts participated in JOTA..

Scouting & Radio:
  Oct.8th The STEMpede will take place at Bear Paw Scout Camp again this year.  Our schedule to be there has been shortend to one day to give  those interested the opportunity to make contacts via radio. The time there will be for about four hours. 
  If you were one of the ones that volunteered to go, please refresh my memory.. text or call 9202273235  Thank you.. 

Things  that we have historically scheduled:
October: Nomination of Board members and Plan Christmas Party: JOTA (Jamboree on the Air) 
November : Annual Meeting – Elect Board Members   **Just to note that it was suggested in Sept. that the Board choose their officer positions after the election rather than wait until Dec. **
December: Christmas Party – Officers positions chosen.
Winter Field Day..
January:  Set up chairpersons for : 1.Wis. QSO party. 2. Banquet 3. Hamfest. 4. Brat Barn. 4. Field Day.    5. Picnic.  

** Start thinking now about the next Club meeting in October !  Nominations begin at this meeting for members of the Board. The actual final nominations are at the November Annual Meeting followed by the election. Check with members that you would like to see steer the group into the future.. What about YOU as a member of the Board? 

Something new!
Those that are familiar with Winlink, know that the software known as Vara has helped as a TNC (Terminal Node Controller ) for Winlink.. The group that formed that software came out with another format..  Called VarAC … 
 It is a HF chat software… Keyboard to keyboard…  Can also be used like the Packet was with mailboxes… 
  If you want to chat with an other ham but do not want the world to listen in, here is another way… 

      Take a look at it.. It may solve the problem of calling CQ to someone and you do not want to just send an email.. but put the note in their “mailbox ‘    

    Might be fun way of “rag chewing”  and exercising those fingers… 
    I see a lot of uses for this mode even in emergency communications … 
  (Don’t be afraid of the “dashboard” when you first look at it) 

That’s it for this email/ Newsletter.… 
Stay Radio Active

Friday, September 16, 2022

Radio Happenings September 12th, 2022..



September 14-Siren Test Net

September 23-24
September 17th – Club Picnic
September 20th- CQ Tuesday

Siren Test Net: 
 99.9% of the sirens have been checked this year. If you have been following along, there have been a number of failures as the sirens age. If you are planning on going out to check sirens, please start back on the ones that were checked back in the earlier part of the year..   Thanks .. The list of sirens will be attached to this email.. 

 The one at HRO is one of  the bigger ones with all kinds of manufacturers represented as well as seminars.. Seeing that this is popular, you may want to get together and car pool.

(last reminder)
Club Picnic: The picnic will be on Saturday, September 17th.. from 11AM to 3ish.. but you can come early and enjoy the park.. It will be held at the Osprey Point park in Bellevue off of GV (Monroe Road) across from the UHaul dealer.. Have to look hard for the Isaac Walton sign.. small two  track driveway... : 3320 Monroe Road/County GV, 
This will be a catered event – cost $15 per person.. Cash…

Zoom: Coming soon.. at the last Club meeting, someone volunteered to be the zoom host..   

 Sept . Meeting: At the meeting, a report was given concerning the 4 band vertical that we use for HF at the “Shack” at St. Norbert College. Presently it is out being updated, cleaned and tuned. So, until it is replaced, please don’t use the HF radio unless you put a dummy load on it. 
    There were other items of interest discussed at the meeting.  Be sure to read the minutes when they are sent out usually attached to an email with other Happenings newsletters.  

Things  that we have historically scheduled:
October: Nomination of Board members and Plan Christmas Party: Possible JOTA event 3rd weekend.
November : Annual Meeting – Elect Board Members   **Just to note that it was suggested in Sept. that the Board choose their officer positions after the election rather than wait until Dec. **
December: Christmas Party – Officers positions chosen.
Winter Field Day..
January:  Set up chairpersons for : 1.Wis. QSO party. 2. Banquet 3. Hamfest. 4. Brat Barn. 4. Field Day.    5. Picnic.  

J.O.T.A. (Jamboree On The Air) This is a Scouting event  that will take place on the third weekend of October. Modern technology offers Scouts the exciting opportunity to make friends in other countries without leaving home. JOTA is an annual event in which Boy and Girl Scouts and Guides from all over the world speak to each other by means of Amateur (ham) Radio.
     In years before COVID, our Club membership sponsored a radio site and invited Scouts in our area to participate in the event.
     At this time, it is being investigated to find out the interest of the local scouting groups to once again be involved… 
     In 2014, over 1.3 million Scouts, Guides/Girl Scouts participated in JOTA.. 

Tuning Stubs: