Vice-President: Nathan Parks, KD9MVU
Secretary: Bill Duveneck KB3KYH
Treasurer: John Wolfe, WØLFE
Members at Large: (Programs)
New DX program on WRMI - Beginning today, December 2, WRMI is pleased to broadcast a weekly DX program especially oriented toward the large number of amateur radio operators in our audience. The name is "CQ Calling." It's produced and presented by Larry Deyoe, who says:
THE 2022 JANUARY VHF CONTEST -- 1900 UTC Saturday January 15 ---0359 UTC Monday January 17, 2022
KIDS DAY-- January 1, 2022 - 1800 UTC -2359 UTC... first name, age, location and favorite color is the exchange... plant the seed of operating Ham Radio...
STRAIGHT KEY NIGHT -- 0000 UTC --2359 UTC Saturday,January 1,2022.
SPECIAL EVENTS - EVERY WEEKEND -Check out the listing in the web site.. or
As seen in the QST magazine, and from a post in the Happenings, if you have an IC 7300, you may want to check out the Win41comSuite software.
I see that they also have the software for Yeasu >>
The Field Day report is out and found in the December QST.. A little different this year. The listing is by the name of the Club and the points earned and the number of stations. The Mike & Key had 1850 Points.. But looking for a better score in 2022.