Sunday, July 11, 2021


 The FCC (Federal Communications Commission or as W8FLA sk would say "the Friendly Candy Company") has been making some more regulatory changes that involve Amateur Radio. It looks as if some stations may be required to show that they are in compliance with the rules. This may take place between now and 2025. 

 Having to prove that the emissions from your station are safe. There are hundreds of thousands of amateur radio operators ("hams") worldwide.  Amateur radio operators in the United States are licensed by the FCC.  The Amateur Radio Service provides its members with the opportunity to communicate with persons all over the world and to provide valuable public service functions, such as making communications services available during disasters and emergencies. 

 Like all FCC licensees, amateur radio operators are required to comply with the FCC's guidelines for safe human exposure to RF fields.  Under the FCC's rules, amateur operators can transmit with power levels of up to 1500 watts.  However, most operators use considerably less power than this maximum.  Studies by the FCC and others have shown that most amateur radio transmitters would not normally expose persons to RF levels in excess of safety limits.  This is primarily due to the relatively low operating powers used by most amateurs, the intermittent transmission characteristics typically used and the relative inaccessibility of most amateur antennas.  As long as appropriate distances are maintained from amateur antennas, exposure of nearby persons should be well below safety limits.

   To help ensure compliance of amateur radio facilities with RF exposure guidelines, both the FCC and American Radio Relay League (ARRL) have issued publications to assist operators in evaluating compliance for their stations. 

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