Monday, August 5, 2024


    Although the Solar Flares can produce some beautiful Aurora Borealis in the sky, it can make for some changes in the radio propagation that is variable ... like the Lighthouse Weekend.. While we struggled for contacts at the Grassy Island Range Lights, the group at the Kewaunee Pierhead Lighthouse was even able to contact Auruba...   A big Thank You goes out to the Grassy Island Lighthouse Keepers and the Friends of the Kewaunee Pierhead Lighthouse for allowing us to use their facilities for the event. Also to those operators that participated in the event.. 

       A word from our Club President....... 

Hello Club Members…

One of our July highlights was another successful Brat Barn.  On Saturday, July 13 several members gathered at the East Side Green Bay Festival and enjoyed the day frying and selling brats and burgers.  Thanks to our volunteers, the Brat Barn resulted in a club profit of $619.  We’re done with Brat Barns for this year, but we plan on doing it again in 2025.  Much appreciation goes out to Keith, KS9WI for his leadership as the Brat Barn committee chief.

Larry, Gene, Nick, John, Betty, and Sarah smiling through the smoke at the July Brat Barn.

Something we do each month is the Brown County Siren Test Net.  The purpose of the net is to collect first-hand reports on the operational status of the County’s 60+ warning sirens.  The sirens sound every Wednesday at noon, unless bad weather is forecast…this is to be sure the real thing isn’t confused with a test.  We hold the Siren Net on the second Wednesday of the month at 11:45. Hams check in and report which siren they plan to observe.  At 1200 Noon the sirens go off and the Net Control Station takes reports. It’s very easy…did your siren “sound” and did it “rotate”.  While the report is simple, it’s very important.  Following the net, Dave N8KQS files a report with the Brown County Emergency Manager, stating which sirens were checked and which ones did not function properly.  This information is used by the county in scheduling siren maintenance.  So…if you’re available on the second Wednesday, please find a siren (Dave sends out the complete list to all the members prior to the test) and join the net. It’s a good way to prove that Amateur Radio does indeed serve the community.

I hope to see you at the meeting on Thursday, August 8.  A couple of agenda highlights will include Lighthouse activations and a discussion about the club picnic scheduled for Saturday August 24.  Be there for the Tech Talk at 6:30. This month’s Tech Talker will be Rick, W9OBB (with some input from Keith, KS9WI) who will tell us about Fox Hunting.  This will help us get ready for our Fox Hunt set for September 26. 

Please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions about our club.See you at the meeting…73,

Bill, KB3KYH  (302) 537-4755

For the new members, you see CQ Tues. listed below... all Hams are invited to join in lunch at the Bay Family Restaurant ..  usually orders are taken around 11:30.. on the Third Tuesday ... (Back Room) 
    (  Some of the attachments below are not copied to the Website ) 
Attached to this emaill be the notice for the Club Picnic... Please RSVP as indicated.. for a head count.
     Also will be the Treasurer's Report for July.
     And the Siren List for this Wednesday's Siren Test Net... 
     ?  The minutes of the July 11th Meeting... 
August 7th   Wednesday,,Siren Test Net 11:45 on the 147.120 repeater
August 8th .. 6:30PM TechTalk St. Norbert College
August 8th   7PM GBMK Membership Meeting St. Norbert College
August 18th  Algoma Kite Fly..
August 20th  CQ Tuesday
August 24th Club Picnic...
Zoom information in web site  Misc: Meetings 

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