Monday, August 26, 2024

Radio Happenings 8.26.24


First day of School today, the leaves on my apple tree are almost gone... Labor Day is this coming weekend...I think I am catching on that Summer is almost over... There could be an antenna on the bus which coincides with the radio theme of this newsletter... They do have radios ... 
       Busy as always... the CQ Tuesday the 20th, gathering at Bay Family Restaurant was the largest so far this year.. The two largest tables were filled up.. A lot of camaraderie and radio/electronics were discussed.... Towers seem to be one of the major subjects... 

Our other social event was the Club Picnic... Last Saturday at Osprey Point Park 30+ folks gathered for chatting and a lot of good tasting food.. the brats and square burgers going fast ... there were dual colored corn on the cob  - grilled and the sweetness retained .. the timing to end the event was good because the mosquito family was moving in and they had  their own feast just waiting for them .... Thanks goes out to the committee for a great time .... and to all those that brought the dishes to pass... 
      As we constantly see more new radios coming out and  each with their own operating system... D Star, Fusion and more... what about open source radios?  We can remember when the Ham community would be able to experiment and find ways of having freeware or open source ware..  Like FLdigi, FT8 etc..  but a lot of the manufacturers have proprietary locks on the parts that could have been used to open a lot of digital doors so to speak...    
       Steve,KB9MWR, has put together an interesting read about the M17  project - here is a quote from the article.. "As our hobby igrates to digital voice technology, that freedom may be limited by proprietary technology used to code and decode the signals. What experimenters need is an open-source digital standard, ie; a standard that anyone can use without having to buy a license or pay royalties, and that anyone can extend or modify provided that they share their code with the amateur-radio community."     
         I hope you read the article that was sent to the email list ... and become part of the experimentation group that works on open source programs... 

           Calendar of coming events...
           August 31st - Sept 1.. Kites over Lake Michigan
          September 2nd ... Labor Day... 
          September 5th ... Club Board Meeting
          September 11th... Siren Test Net
          September 13th .. GBM&K meeting / Tech Talk @ 6:30
          September 17th .. CQ Tuesday   ;

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