Sunday, June 9, 2024

Radio Happenings 6.9.2024

    A busy Ham is a happy Ham.. If you joined in on some of the events lately, you must be happy... and tired. 
      Hamfest. The "Cafe' " folks were serving up coffee, rolls, desserts and hot dogs steadily. Public address system wires were getting hot with prize announcements.
 For me,,, a big thanks to who ever was in charge of keeping the rain at bay !!  My age must be showing because the tables seem heavier this year.. thanks to the set and take down group for a job well done.. the List could be longer but I hope you know who you are and that your work is appreciated.. 
  For the first one there and the last to leave.. Thanks - Randy Dyle..  
       VE Testing ; The VEs were busy and made the Ham Community a bit larger.. with 3 new techs, 8 new generals, and 1 new extra class licenses earned.. Congrats to all those ..
Kewaunee Lighthouse: On Saturday June 8th, Mike W9MWP, Larry K9IQ, Walt KE9TT, and I, activated the Lighthouse in Kewaunee. Operated 20meters.. Most of the stations contacted were POTA stations with Yagi antennas at 90 feet with 1Kw output... and they were having a tough time getting contacts.. ???
One of our visitors was KE9ALV from the Sturgeon Bay area, who just earned her Tech at our HamCram in April. It was good to see the enthusiasm Connie had for the hobby. Connie.. thanks for the photo..

We had a chance to talk to the people touring during this Open House.. Explaining that the light was not the only beacon to that location, but there was also a radio beacon sending an identifying Morse Code letter "G" which identified the Kewaunee Lighthouse. Ships had direction finding loop antennas to receive and hone in on the transmitting signal... like a "Fox Hunt" we have... Also showed aspects of Ham radio.
There might be another opportunity on July 13.. but more on that later..

Now to put a spotlight onto the Club President ...

Hello Club Members…

Did you make it to the Hamfest?  I hope so because it was a lot of fun and a big success.  Thanks to committee Co-Chairmen Todd W9GRB and Dave, KD9HJJ and the team of excellent volunteers, the event went off very well with over 230 people in attendance.  The best crowd yet.  The committee is now working on a detailed after-action report that will be presented at the July club meeting.  If you have any comments about the Hamfest, please forward them to Dave, KD9HJJ at .  He’s looking for input on things that went well and things that need improvement.  Be sure to include your suggestions on how these improvements could be made.  Once again, it was a great event.  Special appreciation goes out to Tower Electronics and Wolf River Coils who were very generous in providing prizes and overall support. 

We’ve got a Brat Barn coming up on Saturday June 15.  This one will be at the De Pere Festival.  Keith, KS9WI needs a few more volunteers, so be sure to let him know you if can come out and help.  He’ll go over the details at the June 13th club meeting. If you haven’t worked a brat barn, give it a try.  This is a nice way to get to know your fellow Amateurs and it’s a perfect opportunity to support our club.

FIELD DAY!!  This year we’ll be at Osprey Point Park on Monroe Road near Bellevue.  Gene, AB9GK and the Field Day committee have been doing a lot of work to make sure we have another enjoyable operating event.  This is a great opportunity to get on the air and spend some time visiting while enjoying our great hobby.  Mark your calendars for June 22/23 and hear all about it at the June meeting. 

I hope to see you at the meeting on Thursday, June 13th.  Be there for the Tech Talk at 6:30. Our special guest via Zoom will be Karin Thompson, KD4DXX, the owner of R-T Systems, the folks who make the programming software. 

As always, please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions about our club.

See you at the meeting…73,

Bill, KB3KYH

(302) 537-4755


June 12th  Siren Test Net

June 13th  Club meeting,, 6:30 Tech Talk - meeting at 7pm

June 18th  CQ Tuesday

June 22 -23.. Field Day !!   Info coming... 

June 31st .. you have the wrong calendar ... 

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