Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Radio Happenings January 24th, 2023



February 8 – Siren test net
February 9th – M&K Club Meeting
March 9th- Ham of the Year deadline
March 9th – M&K Club Meeting
March 12th – Wis. QSO Party
March 18th – Club Awards Banquet


     As many of you know, The M&K Club has been meeting on the campus of St. Norbert College for many years. They have also allowed for having antennas and a space for operating radios. With the remodeling of the G-M Science Building to hold the new Medical Science program, we had to remove the antennas and the entire radio set up we had in the Audio/Visual area. 
Basically, we were homeless. Through the help of one of the Staff, we were able to hold our meetings in a room of what is now the Security Building.  When the remodeling was completed, a committee was formed to present a request to relocate with being able to have a radio operations area. 
   This was a daunting task because they could have said no.
  Without going into an even longer story, they not only allowed us to use the big conference room but to set up right next to it for the radios plus space on  the roof for the antennas.
  They provided the desk, the cabinet above it and some lockers besides.
   Having this for a number of years now, the membership voted to show our appreciation for this privilege by presenting the College President Tom Kunkel a check for $500..

January 23rd, l/r Tom Harden, K9EDD, Paul Racine, KBØP club President, Tom Kunkel, St. Norbert President and Bill Duveneck, KB3KYH.. 

Members are asked to submit a nomination for Ham of the Year.. This person needs to be a member in good standing. When submitting the nomination, put in their name, call sign and the reason you feel that person should be given that award.. Do not just submit a name and call. Submit your nomination to Robert, KA9BXG at ka9bxg@gmail.com  before March 9th
 To help you… think about the person that helped with the Wis.QSO Party, the Ham Fest, Field Day, Brat Barns, Banquet or mentored a new Ham ETC.. 

March 12th Wis. QSO Party. Time to get your crew together and make plans. Update your logging software now.  

June 3rd is firmed up for our second Hamfest at Our Savior Lutheran Church. To sign up to assist, contact Dave, KD9HJJ or Todd, W9GRB.

The annual Field Day will be June 24th – 25th at our new location of Four Seasons Park in Hobart. To be involved 
with that event contact Wes, W9WES or Gene AB9GK.

OOPS   IF you borrowed something from the “Shack” at St. N.. please return it. Missing~Heil Headset.. Box is empty. The MFJ 904 small travel tuner is missing..   or anything else… 

GreenBay Mike&Key Club Meetings:
February 9th – The Tower Room, 4th floor of the G-M Science Bldg. (elevator) 7PM.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 985 2084 1730
Passcode: 240648
One tap mobile
 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/atfy36sxq

 If not paid by March 1st, will be removed from the membership list.
*The removal of non-members from this mailing list begins February 1st.

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